Monday, 7 November 2011

PhatMats Piece of the Week!

This week's Piece of the Week goes to the Fast Food Bra by BOOB and believe me, this nursing bra's somewhat direct name is not the only clever thing about it.  
If you're anything like me, the idea of purchasing a 'nursing bra' sent a slight chill down your spine as you sadly resigned yourself to the fact that you were about to spend some serious dough on multiple hideous but necessary under garments.  One, to both help rein in those massive mammary glands, and two, to quickly and easily provide nourishment to your little one.  BOOB has ingeniously designed a feminine, dare I say, pretty, yet highly functional and most of all comfortable bra.  The bra comes in several adorable colours, my fave being the hot pink pin stripe.
Now, I haven't even had my baby yet and I'm already wearing one of my three Fast Food bras daily.  Why you ask?  Here it is ladies: as those 'girls' of yours are ever increasing throughout your pregnancy so is your bra size.  I decided that instead of buying new and bigger bras for the pregnancy and then again for postpartum breastfeeding, why not save myself a step and also some money.  The Fast Food Bra is the perfect solution!  Stretchy enough to fit comfortably while still allowing for room to grow.  AND... the best part is, it comes with an extra growth panel for any extra girth room you may end up needing.

Bottom Line - BOOBs Fast Food Bra is cute, comfortable and oh so practical.

Check out their website for all available colours.

You can find BOOB in Toronto at both locations of Baby On The Hip, Queen East & College West and at Moms to Be and More on Bayview Ave.

Happy Feeding!!